Unit 1 Lesson 1 - Welcome to CSA

Lesson summary and assignments

Throughout this course, I would rather not do anything in class which you can do on your own before the class such as videos, work-sheets, etc. This first lesson includes such a video. This entire lesson is typical of modern mainstream school first lessons. It is designed to get you interested in computer science and give you the confidence that you are capable of programming. As I don't see the educational value of the first Change the Face of Computer Science video I will not require that you watch it. The Software Engineering Skills and Characteristics video has a little more educational value but still not enough to require you to watch it. As for the Unit 1 Lesson 1 Slide Deck, the following definition is the only useful information to retain:

Software Engineer
A software engineer designs, develops, and tests software for home, school, and business use.

So that's it for lesson 1! We will not give any time to this lesson in class.