Challenge B

CC of Clemson 2024-2025 Calendar updated 6/24/2024
Challenge B Specific
Date Foundations/Essentials Challenge
First Semester
August 5 Pool Party 1-3 @ Chicksaw Poin. $3 per person Please RSVP to receive pass
August 8 Foundations Orientation 6:30 pm ****
Aug 9 Logic Camp 9am-3pm at Oconee Presbyterian Church
August 12 Week 1 Week 1
August 12 Week 1 Week 1
August 16 Challenge Fun Day, $20 per person. Please RSVP.
August 19 Week 2 Week 2
August 26 Week 3 Week 3
September 2 Labor Day Break
September 9 Week 4 Week 4
September 16 Week 5 Week 5
September 23 Week 6 Week 6
September 30 Week 7 Week 7
October 7 Week 8 Week 8
October 14 Fall Break
October 21 Week 9 Week 9
October 28 Week 10 Week 10
November 4 Week 11 Week 11

Lunch Parents Meeting

November 11 Week 12 Week 12
November 18 **** Week 13
November 25 Thanksgiving Break
December 2 **** Week 14
December 9 **** Week 15
Second Semester
January 6 Week 13 Week 16
January 13 Week 14 Week 17
January 20 Week 15 Week 18
January 27 Week 16 Week 19
February 3 Week 17 Week 20
February 3-6 Teen Pact
February 10 Winter Break
February 17 Week 18 Week 21
February 17-20 Teen Pact
February 24 Week 19 Week 22
March 3 Week 20 Week 23
March 10

Week 21

Faces of History 6:30pm

Week 24
March 17 Week 22 Week 25
March 24 Spring Break
March 31 Week 23 Week 26
April 2 Memory Master Testing 9am-2pm
April 7 Week 24 Week 27
April 14 Campus-wide End of Year celebration 6:30pm Week 28
Week of April 14 Mock Trial? (Preferred date)
April 21 Easter Monday
April 25 Senior Thesis Day
Week of April 28 Mock Trial? (Alternate date)
April 28 **** Week 29
May 2 Set up for graduation
May 3 Graduation Ceremony for the Class of 2025
May 5 **** Week 30


The students worked diligently and completed their Bluebook yesterday. The memorized speeches were excellent. The hard work at home showed in how the students are completing the assignments and contributing in class.

I was able to go over each student's work. As the parent and teacher you are the best judge of your students work and their progress, so please use the BB as a tool in your assessment of their progress.

The green sheet is what I gave you at the parent meeting in November. I went over it in class, if you have questions just ask.

Attached is a copy of the Bingo (2024 Christmas Bingo) ; the study guide referenced in the handout (Defeating Darwinism Study guide); and a copy of the chart I will use in class, which is a condensed version of the Intermediate Logic appendices A, B, & C (Intermed Logic charts ABC back, front).

Please copy the study guide and the front and back of appendix ABC. The Bingo chart is for your reference if you or your student loses the copy they received Monday. If you do not have access to a copier, please let me know.

Please also make 24 copies (I gave each student a copy in class) of page 165-166 from the guide for the students to make the 25 copies of charts ABC. Over the break I will also make 25 copies of the charts ABC.

Christmas Break

January 3: Logic Camp at Oconee Pres https: //

January 6: Week 16

Merry Christmas,

Cindy Alexander

Challenge B Director

864 903 9495


The students worked diligently and completed their Bluebook yesterday. The memorized speeches were excellent. The hard work at home showed in how the students are completing the assignments and contributing in class.

I was able to go over each student's work. As the parent and teacher you are the best judge of your students work and their progress, so please use the BB as a tool in your assessment of their progress.

The green sheet is what I gave you at the parent meeting in November. I went over it in class, if you have questions just ask.

Attached is a copy of the Bingo (2024 Christmas Bingo) ; the study guide referenced in the handout (Defeating Darwinism Study guide); and a copy of the chart I will use in class, which is a condensed version of the Intermediate Logic appendices A, B, & C (Intermed Logic charts ABC back, front).

Please copy the study guide and the front and back of appendix ABC. The Bingo chart is for your reference if you or your student loses the copy they received Monday. If you do not have access to a copier, please let me know.

Please also make 24 copies (I gave each student a copy in class) of page 165-166 from the guide for the students to make the 25 copies of charts ABC. Over the break I will also make 25 copies of the charts ABC.

Christmas Break

January 3: Logic Camp at Oconee Pres https: //

January 6: Week 16

Merry Christmas,

Cindy Alexander

Challenge B Director

864 903 9495

I hope everyone enjoyed the Thanksgiving break and are ready for the semester to wrap up. Class today was great! Each week I reflect on the privilege to work with you and your students as you seek to educate them. I see them improving as the semester progresses.

Next week: Blue Book

If a parent would like to coordinate lunch for the group, please contact me. The students wanted to have a small gift exchange and they drew names today at lunch.

As we completed each strand today, I reviewed what would be on the Blue Book. Have your student bring a book or paper to draw on if they finish early. Each student also needs to bring different colored pens or pencils for their work. One color is for what they know and the other is for if they used a help.

Logic (Math)

If you have problems you want your student to do in this strand, please send them to me by Wednesday. In class today we completed a brain teaser, problems from the students, a couple of surface area problems, and then played Around the World.

Grammar (Latin)

Ch B competed with Ch A for a noun review using the first two units in Henle. We reviewed Lesson 14 and your students need to complete Lesson 15 at home this week.

Research (History of Astronomy)

Great job on the papers today! The class worked on reviewing the astronomers by making a timeline on the board.

Next week: Bring the completed shoebox project to the table that will be outside our classroom in the morning. Other challenge students will be able to guess the astronomer.


Today in class the students worked on an escape room game to review most of the logic. BB will cover genus and species, square of opposition, terms, mood, figure, schema, contrapositive, hypothetical syllogisms and more.

Exposition(Newberry Literature)

The students will present their final paper in class using their outline following Essay 7.

Debate(American Biographies)

Excellent hero papers today. I enjoyed hearing them.

BB Memorized speeches: The students will present the speeches at 1 in the sanctuary. Please attend and watch the students!

Contact me if you have questions!

For the Glory of God

Cindy Alexander

Challenge B Director

864 903 9495

Monday was a great day! I enjoy spending time with your students, and I am very impressed with how hard they are working.

Nov 25: No CC next week; Pick up wreaths

November 28: Happy Thanksgiving

December 2: Week 14; No Columbo's Pizza

December 9: Week 15; Blue Book, Memorized Speeches (Debate); No Columbo's Pizza

Today went by so fast! The class worked hard and each student contributed to the class activities. They did a great job on their expo and research papers. It is exciting to watch them improve each week.

Logic (Math)

Two students led the class in working through a couple of problems. The students also worked on a math puzzle and played "Around the World."

Grammar (Latin)

The class completed a verb review and then competed to write out all four conjugations. For Week 14, please have your student complete Lessons 13-14. Lesson 13 is on fourth conjugation verbs and Lesson 14 is on the verb "sum".

Research (History of Astronomy)

Most of the students presented information on Hubble and the different types of galaxies. Next class the students need to write a 5 paragraph paper on Hawking. Each student was given an astronomer to do a shoebox project on. Instructions are on page 159 in the guide.


Each student has two study helps for the work in lessons 30-32 (exercises 31-35), which is due December 2, and we worked on Lesson 30 in class.

Exposition(Newberry Literature)

After an excellent discussion on the first story in Tanglewood Tales, the students discussed some possible issues for the next paper due on Week 15. For the last LTW essay due this semester, please have your student use Essay 7 as a guide.

The students then read their expo papers on Hiding Place and did a very good job.

Debate(American Biographies)

The class was divided into two teams and each team filled a large white board with information on Helen Keller and Douglas MacArthur.

Next class: Change from guide! Memorized speeches are due week 15. Week 14 each student needs to write a short essay on: What is a hero? The papers need three characteristics of a hero with examples from the book.

Parents are invited to watch the students at 1pm, December 9, as they present their speeches. Your student needs to be dressed up to present. The students will be judged and if you are willing to judge, please contact me.

Enjoy your Thanksgiving break,

Cindy Alexander

Challenge B Director

864 903 9495


Please forgive this week's letter for going out so late, my computer is not working and I am using my daughter's.

The students worked hard at home and we had a great day. I enjoy directing your students so much. They make the time at CC a blessing.

November 18: Week 13; Wreath order due; Remember no Columbo's until Jan 6 week 16

November 25: No CC; Pick up wreaths

November 28: Happy Thanksgiving

December 2: Week 14; No Columbo's Pizza

December 9: Week 15; Blue Book, Memorized Speeches (Debate); No Columbo's Pizza

Today went by so fast! The class worked hard and each student contributed to the class activities. They did a great job on their expo and research papers. It is exciting to watch them improve each week.

Logic (Math)

Monday the students worked on a brain teaser, and we did a couple of problems on the board. They also played Around the World. Great job!

Grammar (Latin)

In class we reviewed pronouns by making charts on the board and then parsed a sentence using pronouns. At home do Lesson 12: Third Conjugation verbs.

Research (History of Astronomy)

This was my favorite strand! Each of the students shared a presentation from their research. Drawings, paintings, posters and poems were shared and enjoyed by the class.


We worked on Lessons 27-29 (exercises 27-30) At home: Lessons 30-32, exercises 31-35. The exercises do not match the lesson numbers. Enthymemes and Hypothetical Syllogisms are not difficult if your student understands how to find a conclusion, major term, and minor term. Have the students bring their bookmark and the cheat sheets I have given them.

Exposition(Newberry Literature)

I looked at the outlines and can't wait to hear the papers they will present next week. Finish reading Tanglewood Tales for next week and be prepared to discuss several stories. The students will need to bring their LTW essay 7 (Tanglewood Tales essay) to class on week 15. The students have two weeks instead of three to write.

Debate(American Biographies)

We had a good discussion about Ford and Carver. At home this week, the next two people are Helen Keller and Douglas MacArthur.

Memorized speeches 1 to 3 min, please send me what you would like your student to present. They will present week 15 and be judged. If you would like to judge, please let me know. The students need to dress up and they will present at 1pm on Week 15.

Day of Infamy F. D. Roosevelt

I have a Dream ML King

President Reagan speech from 1961, 1964, The Space Challenger Disaster, 40th Commencement of D Day,

President Bush 9/11

The speech does not have to be a presidential speech, but a famous American

Above are just some ideas. Please let me know what your student will present.

Some students have already let me know they are memorizing excerpts from "Tear down this wall" by President Regan; "We the people" by President Regan; and "Radio address after Pearl Harbor" by Eleanor Rosevelt.

Grace and peace,

Cindy Alexander

Challenge B Director

864 903 9495

November 11: Week 12; Community Lunch next week; no Columbo's

November 18: Week 13

November 25: No CC; Pick up wreaths

December 2: Week 14

December 9: Week 15; Blue Book

December 12: OCC trip

Your student will need a shoebox for a project due Week 15.

Today was fun. The Critter Keeper was interesting and I think we are more appreciative to our Creator for all of the animals He has in our world.

We missed you Celia and Evelyn, and prayed you are feeling much better soon. Hopefully next week everyone will be healthy.

Thank you for attending the parent second semester meeting. I hope you found it helpful. If you have questions, please reach out and I will help.

Cindy Alexander

Challenge B Director

864 903 9495

Nov 3: Time Change

November 4: Week 11 Parent Meeting at lunch Ch B room

November 11: Week 12; Community Lunch

November 18: Week 13; No Columbo's; Pizza Wreath order due

November 25: Thanksgiving Break; Pick up wreaths

December 2: Week 14; No Columbo's Pizza

December 9: Week 15; No Columbo's Pizza

Today went by so fast! The class worked hard and each student contributed to the class activities. They did a great job on their expo and research papers. It is exciting to watch them improve each week.


"I am sure of this, that He who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ." -Philippians 1:6

Logic (Math)

After a few problems at the board, we worked on multi step problems from basic math to algebra level. The students did very well.

Grammar (Latin)

In class, we reviewed Latin verbs and several of the concepts covered in lesson 9. This week at home, please do lessons 11 and 12.

Research (Astronomy)

Great papers today! Next week: a five paragraph paper following the outline on page 155 on Maria Mitchell.


The students were divided into three teams and worked problems as a review for Lessons 23-26. Next week they need to do Lessons 27-30. If time is short, watch the videos and then go back and do the exercises. If you have questions, please reach out to me.

Exposition(Newberry Literature)

The papers were very good. After each paper is read, the students take turns giving a glow to each other. Each student is improving their presentation skills. This week, every student practiced either the expo or research paper and had a choice of a treat.

Debate(American Biographies)

This week the students should have read about Clara Barton and Stonewall Jackson. After a short discussion, each of the students contributed something to the chart on the board. Then the class was divided into two groups and were given either pro or con on Whether women should serve in combat roles. The teams had to come up with a 15 point ANI chart and then give a short presentation to the rest of the class. This can be difficult, but it helps the students work together as a team. This week, read about Thomas Edison and Theodore Roosevelt. In class we will discuss Whether technological progress is always helpful.

Grace and peace,

Cindy Alexander

Challenge B Director

864 903 9495

October 28: Week 10

November 4 Week 11 Parent Meeting at lunch Ch B room

November 11 Week 12 Community Lunch (sign up will be sent out later)

November 18 Week 13 No Columbo's for lunch

November 25 Thanksgiving Break

Yesterday was a great day! We had photos taken after our Challenge group meeting and a link will be sent out when Julia has our pictures ready. We were able to spend some time outside for our research strand.

Logic (Math)

Monday we played a couple of math games to help keep the students' math skills sharp.

Grammar (Latin)

We focused on first conjugation verbs for most of the class and ended with pictionary for a review of vocabulary. This week at home finish lesson 9. Week 11 the students will need to complete two lessons (10 & 11) so feel free to work ahead if your student has time.

Research (Astronomy)

Great job on the presentation of the students' research papers on Banneker. The students continue to improve their skills in research and speaking in front of the class.We went outside to draw a solar eclipse showing the umbra and penumbra in chalk.


We covered lessons 23 and 24 in class. Next week we will cover lessons 25 and 26. I have included two files which will help your student as they work through these lessons.

Exposition(Newberry Literature)

After looking at the outlines for the papers that your students are writing at home this week. I am looking forward to hearing the completed papers next Monday. Your student should finish reading The Hiding Place and come prepared to discuss the book. A few things to discuss at home: When and where does the book take place? Who in your family was alive during this time? Do you know anyone who was in a Nazi prison camp?

Debate(American Biographies)

Yesterday we discussed Fanny Crosby and Harriet Tubman focusing on their character and the fact they were born in 1820 and dies in 1915 & 1913. As a class we discussed Whether Harriet Tubman should have obeyed the Fugitive Slave Act. The class was divided into two groups and assigned a side. They each came up with an exordium and amplification. Each side did an excellent job!

This week as they read about Clara Barton and Stonewall Jackson , I would like the students to bring a list of five character qualities for each one.

As always, please reach out if you have questions.

Grace and peace,

Cindy Alexander

Challenge B Director

864 903 9495


We had a great class yesterday and missed Juliette and Nate very much. Student evaluations were given out yesterday. Time is flying by! Can you believe the semester is over halfway done?

October 14: No CC

October 21: Week 9 & School Photos

October 28: Week 10

Logic (Math)

We used PEMDAS to solve a couple of problems today, one a student contribution and one a brain teaser. We also practiced doing multi step mental math problems from several levels and played Around the World. Continue to bring in math problems to share.

Grammar (Latin)

The class broke into three groups to work on an adjective matching game. Good work everyone! We began a preview of Lesson 9, first conjugation verbs. Week 9 & 10 are spent on 1st conjugation verbs and Week 11 will cover Lesson 10-11. Please spend time on vocabulary review, and if you have questions, reach out to me.

Research (Astronomy)

Excellent timelines from Week 7! The class was divided into 2 groups and using the cards from this week's research, the students made an outline and presented the information on Newton. We also had a few minutes to review all of the astronomers that we have studied so far this semester. For Week 9, the students are studying Benjamin Banneker. While the students only need to write one paragraph, they also need to be able to draw a solar eclipse.


Wow! Your students worked so hard on this yesterday! We were able to accomplish two weeks worth of work in about an hour. I feel like almost everyone has a good grasp on a syllogism and the square of opposition. At home, they will cover Lessons 23-26. I gave each student a bookmark which will help as they cover these next lessons.

Exposition(Newberry Literature)

Many of the students were able to present their "Little Britches" papers. Great work! I am excited to see so much progress in their public speaking skills. We had a short discussion on WTRFG and the students either shared their ANI or talked about possible topics for their papers. We spent several minutes discussing what this essay should look like. This essay will use the Essay 5 template from LTW.

Debate(American Biographies)

The class worked on a Have-Are-Do chart on the board with everyone contributing. After a short discussion on freedom and liberty, the class was divided into two groups. The two groups chose very different styles of presenting and each one was fantastic. Fanny Crosby and Harriet Tubman are the next two people we will read about. In class, we will talk about "Whether Tubman should have obeyed the Fugitive Slave Act."

Enjoy your week off from CC!

Grace and peace,

Cindy Alexander

Challenge B Director

864 903 9495

Teachers: If you need to scale this week, please just cover: vocab for Latin, lessons 19-20 in Logic, simplify the timeline, and do the Debate strand. This is a class project and the students will pull from the work completed at home to do a mini debate. I would love to have several volunteers to judge the students. No experience necessary! 😁

The students will debate at 10. Let me know if you can help!

September 26-29: CC Camping trip

September 30: Week 7

October 7: Week 8

October 14: No CC

Challenge Group
Mrs Mullinax gave a lovely devotional on Excellence.
1 Corinthians 10:31. Excellent discussions on God and how we can glorify Him.
Logic (Math)
This week we worked on least common multiples and then spent some time looking at the Fractions flashcards from CC. We then played Around the World using flashcards.
Grammar (Latin)

Each student was given a noun declension chart and asked to fill it out from memory. Then each one grabbed another color and used a resource to fill it out. We reviewed Lesson 5 & 6 in class. We finished the strand with a game of Latin Jeopardy.

Next week: Lesson 7 Adjectives of the first and second declensions. As a class they started declining magnus, -a, -um.

Research (History of Astronomy)

Yay!! Most of the students practiced before reading their presentation to the class this week. In your progress reports, I will share at least one area of growth I have already seen this semester. Your children are growing in their presentation skills and I am very impressed. The papers of Kepler were outstanding. This class is filled with students who write well. The papers are a delight to hear. We also had time for a review of the astronomers we've covered so far and everyone did very well!

Next week: One short paragraph on Cassini, and, using page 150 in the guide, a simple timeline of space exploration. The timeline can be anything from a paper list with a little information on each item to an animated powerpoint. If you have questions, please reach out.

Reasoning (Introductory Logic)

We reviewed Lesson 11-18 in class. We were able to go outside and review the square of opposition. The students seem to have a good understanding of these lessons.

Next week: Lessons 19-20 at home (Exercises 18-19). If you have time, also complete lessons 21-22 (Exercises 20-21).

Exposition (Newberry Literature)

The outlines I saw were very good; the class has a good understanding of what they need to do. We went outside and each student shared their thesis statement and 3 main proofs. The students talked about ways to make them parallel. When we returned to the class, we had a short discussion on Ralph's dad and his impact on Ralph.

Next week: Please have your student bring the completed essay and be ready to discuss Where the Red Fern Grows.

Debate (American Biographies)

The class had a fantastic conversation on Sam Houstan and Robert E Lee today. It is exciting to watch the students as they are starting to analyze the information given.

Next week: Each student needs to bring 5 notecards (an exordium, amplification, and 3 reasons) for It is better to side with a just cause and 5 note cards (an exordium, amplification, 3 reasons) for It is better to side with your country. Please read page 55 in the guide. Dress up for the debate! You don't need a suit, but a nice shirt and no gym clothes. You can change after.

Grace and peace,

Cindy Alexander

Challenge B Director

864 903 9495


I hope everyone is having a good week! Your students are working hard at home and are participating in the activities in the class. It is enjoyable to watch them take responsibility in the classroom.

Each of you should have received a survey form from Sandy Busch, our Support Rep. Please fill it out and return it by September 18.

This year's coffee fundraiser has started. Mandi will send out an email in the next couple of days. The money needs to be back by September 30 and the coffee will be delivered on November 11

September 23: Week 6

September 26-29: CC Camping trip

September 30: Week 7

October 7: Week 8

October 14: No CC

Romans 12;7-12
Logic (Math)
This strand is usually divided into two sections one before lunch and the other after. Before lunch we worked on several student problems and after lunch we enjoyed a game of "Around the World" with a icosahedron (20 sided die) and a traditional cube.
Grammar (Latin)
After the class reviewed the vocabulary from lesson 4, we parsed a sentence from English to Latin. We previewed Lesson 5 and 6 in preparation for next week. The class then played Pictionary to review nouns. At home, your student will cover Fifth Declensions and nouns that have one meaning in the singular another when plural. Keep practicing the vocabulary!
Research (History of Astronomy)

I can easily see the improvement in each student's presentation skills from week to week. My first question is always, "Did you practice your presentation?" followed by, " What skills are you working on?" The papers are well written and enjoyable to listen to.

Did you get a chance to see the drawings the class made outside of Galileo's telescope? I hope we are able to do more outside as the weather cools down.

Next week: we cover Kepler and his three laws of planetary movement.

Reasoning (Introductory Logic)

If you haven't completed lessons 11-18 already, finish this week. Lessons 11-18 covers statements and the Square of Opposition. Next week we will review and draw the Square of Opposition to prepare for Arguments and Syllogisms.

Exposition (Newberry Literature)

After reviewing each student's issue for the next essay, we worked on the board discussing if Little Britches' family should have moved from NH. They will add an Exordium and Amplification to the persuasive essay due Week 7, September 30. At home this week, the students need to complete the outline using Essay 4 as a template, an Exordium, and an Amplification. CC combines LTW Essay 3 & 4 for Challenge B paper on Little Britches. Also, start reading Where the Red Fern Grows.

Debate (American Biographies)

This week we discussed two women heroes from American history, Dolly Madison and Sacajawea. As a class we compared Madison and Sacajawea on the board. After the students looked at the map and we traced a probable route for the Lewis and Clark expedition the students gained a greater appreciation for the journey. Next week we read about Sam Houston and Robert E Lee. We will spend two weeks on these men. Week 6 we will discuss Robert E Lee statue being removed and Week 7 we will discuss: Whether it is better to side with a just cause rather than one's own country.

If you have questions, please contact me.

For the glory of God,

Cindy Alexander

Challenge B Director

864 903 9495


What a great day! Most of the students were not ready to return after break week, yet they worked hard. Each week I am blessed to be with your children and work with them.

September 16: Week 5

September 23: Week 6

September 26-29: CC Camping trip

September 30: Week 7

Teachers: I sent home several papers today and the students should have put them in the orange folder. I have not noticed any plagiarism in the class, but when I saw this hand out from (Most Recent Update: 5 /9/24) I thought it would be helpful.

The students also have worksheets that I printed earlier this semester to be used as a reference for the next two weeks. Kasie made a great handout to go with the debate strand that I will be incorporating in week 8. It is the attached Am.experience5commontopics.

The students also have a page of the astronomers that we will cover this semester. I will bring one of the Americans that we read about next week.

Joshua 1:9
In this strand, several students shared a math problem from this week.
Grammar (Latin)
In class, we reviewed the first 3 declensions of nouns and had a short vocab review. Your student was asked to put the completed review into their orange folder. We quickly translated ex 52 in class. Great work! At home, to prepare for Week 5, please do Lesson 4.

Everyone persevered through the review of the first 10 lessons. The worksheets should be in the orange folder. We completed the review with Bingo. If your student is behind in the work, reach out to me to help get them on target. If you need to borrow my logic dvd's also let me know.

Next week: Lessons 11-18. Lesson 13 is the square of opposition.


Excellent papers on The Phantom Tollbooth! Your students are excellent writers and the presentation skills improve from week to week. If you have questions about the LTW format, please contact me. Each person is asked if they practiced and which presentation skill they are focusing on this week. After presenting their papers, each student was given a glow and a grow.

We briefly discussed Little Britches in class today and each person quickly shared their opinion on it. The students are ranking the books they read last year and this year, and for many Little Britches is a favorite.

Next week: Each student needs to have an issue, to practice Invention Topics Comparison I (Essay 3) and Comparison II (Essay 4), and a completed ANI chart.


The presentations today on Copernicus were wonderful! This class loves to laugh and share their creative energy. Many thanks to the parents who were able to stop by and watch the interviews and read the newspaper article.

Next week: For Galileo, each student needs to draw and label a drawing of the lens design of his telescope and write 2 paragraphs. One paragraph needs to explain how the refracting telescope works but the second is the student's choice (see the guide p149).


After we discussed Molly Pitcher and Eli Whitney, the class discussed "Does one act make a person a hero." This was some of what they put on the board. They were divided into two groups, assigned a side and then worked together to present their side. Every student must present, which helps them speak in public.

Next week: At home, read about Dolly Madison and Sacajawea.

It is a joy for me to have these conversations with your children each week.

Have a great week,

Cindy Alexander

Challenge B Director

864 903 9495


I hope your students are enjoying class as much as I am. I appreciate how hard they are working.

September 2: Labor Day No CC

September 9: Week 4

Logic (Math)
As a class we looked at symbols used in math and logic from TMM and Lesson 9 Saxon Algebra 1/2. One topic we discussed is how other curriculum or subjects might use different symbols for the same thing. (IF and Only IF was our example). The students played SNAKE for the math drill.

We reviewed the first half of Lesson 3 and played a game with nouns from the 3rd declension using the grammar rules 46-52. If your student is struggling with Latin, please reach out to me.

Next Class: Finish lesson 3 & exercises, work on vocabulary, and review what we have covered so far in Latin.

Research (Astronomy)

Wonderful presentations! When they present, they are working on eye contact, voice speed, and enunciation. I enjoy watching the students improve over the course of the year as they present papers and projects. Please remind your students to practice their presentation before class.

Week 4 CCConnected link to Copernicus Astronomy Snippets - Copernicus

Week 5 Galilei Astronomy Snippets - Galilei

Next class: Interview with Copernicus. This can be recorded or performed in class. No paper is due 🙂

Reasoning (Intro Logic)

We reviewed concepts and exercises from Lessons 6-8. Week 4 we will finish 8-10.

Next class: Finish your work if you haven't already. We will review all terms in class.

Exposition (Newbery Literature)

All of the students had outlines and most had already put parallelism into their proofs. I am looking forward to hearing the students present their papers next class.

Next week: Present paper on The Phantom Tollbooth and be ready to discuss Little Britches by Ralph Moody.

Debate (American Biographies)

In class we compared Patrick Henry and Paul Revere. The mini topic was "Whether living in the 1750's was better than 2024." The students had 10 minutes to prepare to present and did a fantastic job.

Next class: Molly Pitcher and Eli Whitney. Ask these questions:

  • How are they similar? Different?
  • What character qualities do each possess?
  • What are different struggles they each faced?
  • What was unusual or what stands out to you about Molly? Eli?
  • How did their decisions and choices change the lives of people in their time?
  • What mistakes did they make, or beliefs did they have that are no longer popular or accepted? Does that make them less praiseworthy? Why or why not?
  • What did you find most interesting about each?
  • How would they be viewed if they were alive today?

History snippet Week 4 Pitcher and Whitney History Snippets - Molly Pitcher & Eli Whitney

History snippet Week 5 Madison and Sacajawea Dolly Madison & Sacajawea"

Have a great week!

Our Challenge Day started with Laura Moore sharing a slide presentation of last Friday's Team Building Day. It was good to watch all the students playing and having fun.

Teachers: Science project and science paper this week (p 148 in guide). We are using MLA format for all of our Research and Expo papers this year.

August 26: Week 3

September 2: Labor Day No CC

September 9: Week 4

Philippians 2:3
Logic (Math)
In class, we covered a little bit about number notation, reading large numbers, Euler diagrams, Venn diagrams, and played Around the World with multiplication flashcards. Please have your student bring two math problems from home each week. In class, the students will take turns sharing what they are learning at home.
Grammar (Latin)

After a review of the English parts of speech, the class worked on differences between 1st and 2nd declensions, and the rules for masculine and neuter nouns for the 2nd declension. The students did exercises from Lesson 2 and parsed two sentences on the board.

Next week: Lesson 3, do all of exercise 30, 1/2 of the problems in exercises 31-38, and 1/2 of the problems in exercises 40-42. During Week 4, we will finish Lesson 3.

Research (History of Astronomy)

Fantastic job on the first presentations! The papers were interesting and the students all did well as they read their papers to the class.

Next week: Model of geocentric theory of the solar system. The students can use whatever you agree to: Paint, Styrofoam, legos, food, clay, or something else. If you have questions, reach out to me.

Also, complete a 3-5 paragraph paper on Ptolemy following the outline on page 148 in the guide.

Reasoning (Introductory Logic)

We worked through the first five lessons and many exercises in the text. Great work!

Next week: Lessons 6-10. The students do better if they do the exercises as they cover the lesson.

Exposition (Newbery Literature)

Great work at home! I looked at the students ANI charts and they shared the issue they were planning on using for the essay. The students then taught how to sort an ANI and how to do an outline. They seem very comfortable the LTW format.

Debate (American Experience)

The class discussed George Washington and Daniel Boone and who they were. Then the class was divided into two groups to organize and present: "Which is a greater act - to serve your country or your family." Each team was assigned a side and they had under 10 minutes to complete the task. Great teamwork!

Next week: Paul Revere and Patrick Henry.

I hope you have a fantastic week!


Our first day back was awesome! It is a pleasure to work with your students. Not only are they intelligent, but they also did an excellent job of making connections between strands and staying engaged.

Teachers: Check the guide for all assignments. In class, the students wrote in changes to their guide. Also, if you would like your student to receive the weekly emails, please send me the email you would like me to add.

Upcoming events:
August 16- Challenge Team Building Day
9-3 at Hughes Bend in Central, $20 per person. The challenge levels compete against each other. RSVP Laura Moore (
September 2 Labor Day
Proverbs 23:23 and 2 Corinthians 5:9
Logic (Math)
In class, we did the math problem from The Phantom Tollbooth, discussed "0" and played NKO.
Grammar (Latin)
We reviewed noun declension endings. Next week: Lesson 2, do half of the exercises in the guide.
Research (History of Astronomy)

This year, the research papers need to be in MLA format. We covered the expectations of MLA format and each student has a handout. Here is a link for Hipparcus:

Reasoning (Logic)

Logic Lesson 1: Purposes and Types of Definitions

Logic Lesson 2: Genus and Species

Exposition (Newberry Literature)
Our class issue is "Whether Milo should have driven into the tollbooth." Your student needs a different issue, and we discussed in class possible issues for each one. The students had good issues that they could work with. This week, bring their issue and an ANI chart with at least 20 items per column. Also start reading Little Britches.
Debate (American Experience)

After a great class discussion of "What is a hero" the class divided into two groups. Each group had 5 min to list 4 heroes and characteristics of a hero. After discussing how to prepare a short presentation about why or why not their person was a hero, they presented their positions. Both teams did a good job presenting. Every student contributed to the presentation and then gave feedback on what they learned or could do better.

Using the american experience take away, ani, debate outline, fill out the first two pages for History Snippets - George Washington & Daniel Boone.

If you have questions or comments please contact me.



"Grace, mercy, and peace from God the Father and Christ Jesus our Lord." 2 Timothy 1:2b

I hope that you have had a wonderful summer filled with blessings from God and are looking forward to the new school year. I always feel that school starts way too early, and this year is no exception. I am filled with gratitude that I get to work with you and your children as you home educate them. I think the CC model is the best combination of parents being in control while the students work in a classroom setting as they study in the classical method. If you have not read Dorthy Sayers excellent article on education, please do. You can find it and other helpful information on CCConnected. Please feel free to reach out to me for any reason.

If you are interested in a Challenge planner that already has the assignments broken down into 4 days you can go to and download ($10) one for the year. Artistic students might prefer a blank planner that they decorate with washi tape and stickers and make their own schedule week by week. Many students just put a check mark by the assignments in their guide. As parents, do what helps you and your student best. In class I will have them show me their work and indicate that I have seen it. I will be calling each of you every two weeks this year, so if you have a "best time" please let me know.

  • August 5: Start work for Week 1 (if you haven't already).
  • August 9: Logic Camp 9am-3pm at Oconee Presbyterian Church. This camp is for parents and students. Sign up HERE!
  • August 12: Week 1 in class. Put crates in the room by 8:20, and meet in the sanctuary at 8:30.
  • August 16: 2nd Annual Team Building Day 280 Hughes Bend Rd, Central, SC 29630 Kids and adults bring a baby picture approx 2years old for one of the games!
  • For Week 1:

    Logic (Math)
    Bring a problem from home. We might not use it but I want each week the students to copy one problem from what they do at home in their notebook. Students can use the Brain book from last year or just have a section in a notebook. I will be using some of the information from TMM (the math map) which is available on CCConnected. We will also use WDYK (what do you know) with an emphasis on Algebra 1/2 vocabulary.
    Grammar (Latin)
    Bring exercises 1-9 completed. In class we will cover all 5 of the noun declensions as this is review for all of the students.
    Reasoning (Intro. Logic)
    Guide change: Read intro and read lessons 1-5.
    Exposition (Newberry Literature)

    Read The Phantom Tollbooth before our first class. Discuss with your child: Did they like the book? Why or why not?

    There are several files below which might help as you cover this strand. Do not feel like you need to use all of them. Choose the ones that help and do not think about the others.

    Research (History of Astronomy)
    Follow the guide.
    Debate (American Biographies)
    Read the first story and either fill out the form or put information in a notebook.

For the Glory of God,

Cindy Alexander

Director Challenge B

Classical Conversations

864 903 9495