AP Computer Science A
If you expand the AP Computer Science A Calendar tab below, you will find links to web-pages I will create for lessons 1-5 of unit 1, our first weeks' lessons. I only have created a summary for lesson 1, which turns out to be a waste of your time. The fun begins with lesson 2. While I have not yet created summaries of lessons 2-5, those pages do already contain links to the actual lessons on code.org. You are encouraged to play around with those lessons on code.org to familiarize yourself with the platform. I will be doing the same.
Lessons with summary notes are highlighted thus:
CC Week | ||||||||||||
Week 20 |
Week 21 |
Week 22 |
February 24-28 | Winter Break | |||||||||||
Week 23 |
Week 24 |
Week 25 |
March 24-28 | Spring Break | |||||||||||
Week 26 |
Week 27 |
Week 28 |
Week 29 |
Week 30 |
May 7 | AP Computer Science College Board Exam |
For the computer science course, you will need access to two web sites:
- code.org
- myapp.collegeboard.org
You already have your account at code.org. You still need an account with the college board, both for this course AND to be able to take the AP exam with the college board at the end of the year.
You will need to go to here and enroll in my class using the code I sent you in a separate e-mail. While code.org will provide instruction and give you practice with computer science concepts, the college board site has a large question bank of AP exam style questions with which I will be able to create quizzes. It additionally contains instructional videos which hopefully will be more useful than what I have seen so far on code.org.
Anyway, there is nothing you need to do on myap.collegeboard.org at this time except for enroll in my class. As for code.org, all I would like for you to do at this time is go to Java Lab #1 | Object-Oriented Programming - Code.org and play around on the page becoming familiar with the code.org platform.
Our first class will be Aug 6 at 8am. We can meet at my house or we can meet over zoom:
See you all on Aug 6th.The zoom link for the class is in an e-mail I sent to you. As this web-site is public, I will not place the zoom link here.
- accessor method
- gives the value that is currently assigned to an instance variable
- access modifier
- a keyword used to set the visibility of classes, variables, constructors, and methods
- actual parameter
- the value to assign to the formal parameter
- algorithm
- a finite set of instructions that accomplish a task
- alias
- a reference variable that points to the same object as another reference variable
- application program interface (API)
- a library of prewritten classes
- argument
- the specific value provided when a method or constructor is called
- assignment
- using the assignment operator ( = ) to initialize or change the value stored in a variable
- attribute
- a characteristic of an object
- autoboxing
- the process of automatically converting a primitive type value into an object of the corresponding wrapper class
- average case
- the average number of executions an algorithm can take to complete its goal
- base case
- the instance where a recursive method will return a value rather than calling itself
- best case
- the least number of executions an algorithm can take to complete its goal
- behavior
- an action that an object can perform
- benchmark
- a standard or point of reference to assess progress
- binary search
- a search algorithm that finds a target element in a sorted list by dividing the list in half in each iteration
- Boolean expression
- a logical statement that gives either a true or false value
- call by value
- copying the value of the actual parameter to the constructor's formal parameter
- camel case
- a naming convention where the first letter of the first word is upper or lowercase, and the first letter of each additional word is uppercase.
- cast
- to assign a value of one type to another
- class
- a programmer-defined blueprint from which objects are created
- class header
- consists of the class keyword and the name of the class
- code review
- the process of examining code and providing feedback to improve the quality and functionality of the program
- column
- a vertical (up and down) series of data in a two-dimensional (2D) array
- column-major order
- traversing a 2D array by accessing each column from left to right
- comment
- a text note to explain or annotate the code and is ignored when the program is run
- commit
- an operation which saves the latest changes of the code and represents a snapshot of a project
- compound Boolean expression
- an expression using logical operators that evaluates to a Boolean value
- constructor signature
- the first line of the constructor which includes the public keyword, the constructor name, and any parameters
- condition
- determines whether or not to execute a block of code
- constant
- a variable whose value cannot be changed once it has been assigned
- constructor
- a block of code that has the same name as the class and tells the computer how to create a new object
- data structure
- a structure for organizing, processing, retrieving, and storing data
- data type
- the format of the data that can be stored in a variable
- declaration
- giving a name and data type to a variable
- default value
- a predefined value that is used by a program when the user does not provide a value
- decomposition
- the process of breaking a problem down into smaller parts to write methods for each part
- decrement
- to decrease a value by one
- De Morgan's Laws
- a set of rules that describe how to simplify complex Boolean expressions
- divide-and-conquer
- the process of dividing a problem into smaller problems, solving the smaller problems independently, then combining the solutions to solve the original problem
- documentation
- written descriptions of the purpose and functionality of code
- dot operator
- used to call a method in a class
- DRY principle
- a software development principle that stands for "Don't Repeat Yourself" which aims to reduce repetition in code
- dynamic data structure
- a data structure that grows and shrinks as needed
- efficient
- getting the best outcome with the least amount of waste
- element
- a single value or object in a data structure
- encapsulation
- an object-oriented programming concept where the instance variables of a class are hidden from other classes and can be accessed only through the methods of the class
- end user
- the person who will use the program
- escape sequence
- starts with a \ to indicate how to display a String
- execution count
- the number of times a code segment runs
- formal parameter
- the value to be passed to a constructor or method
- helper function
- a function that performs a component of another function
- stands for Hypertext Markup Language; the standard system for tagging text files to be displayed on the World Wide Web
- increment
- to increase a value by one
- index
- an integer value that indicates the position of a value in a data structure
- inheritance
- an object-oriented programming principle where a subclass inherits the attributes and behaviors of a superclass
- initialization
- giving a starting value to a variable using the assignment operator ( = )
- initializer list
- a comma-separated list of values or objects given inside curly braces ( { } )
- inner array
- an array that is nested inside another array
- insertion sort
- a sorting algorithm that shifts each item in a list one at a time to the correct position in the sorted portion of the list
- instance method
- a method that requires an object of the class to be created before it can be called
- instance variable
- a variable defined in a class that represents an attribute of an object
- instantiate
- to call the constructor to create an object
- intellectual property
- the legal ownership of an individual or company's creations of the mind, such as inventions, literary and artistic works, designs, symbols, names, and images
- iteration statement
- a control structure that repeatedly executes a block of code
- Javadocs
- the documentation tool for Java that generates an HTML document from comments written inside /** */ and formatted using @ tags
- library
- a collection of methods or reusable components of code
- linear/sequential search
- a search algorithm that checks each item in order until the target is found
- literal
- a source code representation of a value, such as a number or text
- local variable
- a variable declared and accessible within a specific block of code
- logical operator
- an operator that returns a Boolean value
- loop control variable
- a variable that is changed by a constant value and determines the end of a loop
- merge sort
- a divide-and-conquer sorting algorithm that repeatedly breaks down a list into sublists until each sublist consists of a single element and merges those sorted sublists until it results into a sorted list
- method
- a named set of instructions to perform a task
- method signature
- consists of a name and parameter list
- multi-selection statement
- a statement that selects a single action from three or more conditional statements based on which Boolean expression is true
- mutable
- the ability to change after initialization
- mutator method
- changes the value assigned to an instance variable
- natural language processing (NLP)
- the ability of a computer program to understand human language
- nested conditional statement
- a conditional statement nested inside of another conditional statement
- nested loop
- a loop inside of another loop
- no-argument constructor
- a constructor with no parameters
- object
- an instance of a class
- object-oriented programming
- an approach to creating and using models of physical or imagined objects
- off-by-one error
- an error that occurs when a loop repeats one time too many or one time too few
- one-dimensional (1D) array
- a data structure that holds multiple values of the same data type
- outer array
- the outermost array of a two-dimensional array
- overflow error
- an error that occurs when an operation makes an integer value greater than its maximum
- Overloading
- defining two or more constructors or methods with the same name but different signatures
- override
- to define a method in a subclass with the same method signature as a method inherited from a superclass
- parameter
- defines the type of value to receive when a method or constructor is called
- parameterized constructor
- a constructor that has a specific number of arguments to be passed to assign values to an object's instance variables
- parsing
- the process of dividing text into parts for analysis or conversion
- pass by value
- the process of making a copy of the actual value of a variable to pass to a constructor or method
- pixel
- the smallest unit of information in an image
- polymorphism
- where the same object or method has more than one form
- postcondition
- a condition that must always be true just after the execution of a code segment
- precondition
- a condition that must always be true just before the execution of a code segment
- primitive type
- a basic data type that Java predefines
- programming style
- a set of guidelines and best practices for formatting program code
- project backlog
- a prioritized list of tasks to complete for a project
- pseudocode
- a plain language description of the steps in an algorithm
- recursion
- when a method calls itself/dd>
- recursive case
- the instance where a recursive method calls itself
- refactor
- to improve the readability, reusability, or structure of program code without altering its functionality
- return
- to exit a method and go back to the point in the program that called it with the requested value or information
- return by value
- a copy of the value is given to where the method is called
- redundant
- code that is unnecessary
- reference type
- a data type that contains a pointer to the memory location of an object
- relational operator
- an operator used to compare values or expressions
- return type
- the value returned before a method completes its execution and exits
- a color model consisting of red, green, and blue lights to display images
- row
- a horizontal (left to right) series of data in a two-dimensional (2D) array
- row-major order
- traversing a 2D array by accessing each row from top to bottom
- scope
- where a variable can be used
- selection sort
- a sorting algorithm that selects the smallest element from an unsorted array in each iteration and places that element at the beginning of the unsorted array
- selection statement
- a statement that only executes when a condition is true
- short-circuited evaluation
- a process in which the evaluation of a logical expression exits when the result is clear, even before the complete evaluation of the expression
- Software Engineer
- A software engineer designs, develops, and tests software for home, school, and business use.
- source code
- a collection of programming commands
- state
- the attributes of an object that are represented by its instance variables
- static data structure
- a data structure that is fixed in size
- static method
- a method that can be called without creating an object of the class
- static variable
- a variable that is shared by all instances of a class
- stop word
- a word that is filtered out of a list before or after processing text
- stop word removal
- the process of removing commonly used words from a list before or after processing text
- string literal
- a sequence of characters enclosed in quotation marks ( " " )
- subclass
- a class that extends a superclass and inherits its attributes and behaviors
- superclass
- a class that can be extended to create subclasses
- syntax
- the rules for how a programmer must write code for a computer to understand
- syntax error
- a mistake in the code that does not follow a programming language's syntax
- tester class
- the class that contains the main method and from where the program starts running
- text file
- a file that contains letters, numbers, and/or symbols but has no special formatting
- text segmentation
- the process of dividing text into words, sentences, or topics
- traverse
- to access elements in a data structure one by one
- truth table
- a table used to determine the truth values of a Boolean expression
- two-dimensional (2D) array
- an array of arrays often represented as a table with rows and columns
- two-way selection statement
- specifies a block of code to execute when the condition is true and a block of code to execute when the condition is false
- unboxing
- automatically converting an object of a wrapper class to its corresponding primitive type
- underflow error
- an error that occurs when an operation makes an integer value less than its minimum
- user story
- an informal explanation of a program feature written from the perspective of the user
- variable
- a container that stores a value in memory
- void
- specifies that a method should not have a return value
- widen
- automatically cast from a smaller type to a larger type
- worst case
- the most number of executions an algorithm can take to complete its goal
- wrapper class
- a class used to convert primitive data types into objects